Smart*Light 2.0

Project description
The Smart*Light 2.0 project aims to develop a "tabletop synchrotron": a reliable and optimized instrument for specific X-ray analysis techniques, focusing on fluorescence, diffraction, scattering, spectroscopy and tomography. These techniques allow researchers to examine elemental composition, atomic structure, nanostructure, chemical composition and 3D structure at the submillimeter scale - a crucial aspect of materials science.
To maximize versatility and durability, each X-ray analysis technique will undergo an optimization step. Experimental activities will then be conducted with various materials, including metals, semiconductors, fabrics and cultural heritage. This iterative process will refine the instrument to meet the diverse needs of researchers.
The ultimate goal of SmartLight 2.0 is to provide a "tabletop synchrotron" that can be used by the Dutch and Flemish research communities by the end of the project. This instrument will serve as a powerful tool for materials science, scientific research and heritage conservation. With the potential for further expansion into a full-fledged research tool, SmartLight 2.0 promises to make a remarkable contribution to the advancement of science and technology. The project opens doors to new discoveries and innovations that will benefit our society.
The project will run from Sept. 1, 2023 to Aug. 31, 2026.
- TU Delft
- Eindhoven University of Technology
- University of Antwerp
- Ghent University
- Ratio Computer Aided Systems Engineering B.V.
- Materials innovation institute (M2i)