Ddoyd - Cleanroom Technician

Ddoyd Brown has had a love of engineering since he was very young. As a cleanroom fitter, he builds and checks unique and complex machines. As a fitter in a high-tech industry, an ability to carry out high-precision work is very important, so good concentration and a healthy dose of patience are also indispensable. For this technology enthusiast in particular, working in the high-tech industry and the colleagues he works with are what makes working at VDL ETC Almelo even more fun!
Describe your role in 3 words
"Assembling, checking, and testing."
What is important within your position?
"I work as a cleanroom fitter at VDL ETG Almelo. This means that every fortnight, I get to build a specific machine (an optical bench) for an international customer. Once constructed, the machine is measured in the measuring room to check whether everything fulfils the relevant specifications and falls within the specified tolerances. Once it has been approved, I can then finish assembling the product and package it in the cleanroom. Our production assistant then sends the product to our customer. My tasks include assembly, testing, checking, reporting, planning, researching, reading drawings, soldering, gluing, and packaging. I also mentor new colleagues. As a fitter in a high-tech industry, an ability to carry out high-precision work is very important, so good concentration and a healthy dose of patience are also indispensable. What is more, you need to be good at planning and managing, and have an enquiring approach. The job also involves lots of discussions, so good communication skills are essential."
What do you enjoy about your work?
"I have a passion for engineering, so (almost) every working day is fun. Every day is different and challenging. My day starts by switching on the equipment to be tested so that we can maintain an optimal turnaround time. After that, I read and reply to emails. I then continue assembling the machine that I’m currently building. I work directly with one colleague, but I am a social person so I regularly visit colleagues in other departments whenever I have time. That's the great thing about VDL ETG Almelo: there is a great atmosphere and a strong team spirit. At the end of my working day, I make sure I leave my workplace neat and tidy."
What has been the highlight of your career?
"Building and checking unique and complex machines. Working in mechanical engineering also gives me a great deal of pride. I think it's cool that I can now apply the knowledge I gained during my training in the real world."
What advice would you give someone planning to apply for a job at VDL ETG?
"The working atmosphere at VDL ETG Almelo is very pleasant. I would recommend it to anyone!"